ThermoSol is a controller designed by 3K AD, which uses the energy generated by the solar panels for direct water heating.

What are the advantages of heating a boiler with ThermoSol?

The ThermoSol hot water systemis suitable for all domestic hot water users, as well as for working buildings, bungalows, guest houses and other sites where there is a need for hot water. It is ideal for houses, villas, businesses, and is successfully applied even in apartments in residential buildings.

  • Lower price compared to the price of a solar collector with the same power
  • No need to buy a new water heater ThermoSol works with a standard water heater with a heating element up to 3.5 kW
  • No frost in winter, when the outside temperature is negative, photovoltaic systems work much more efficiently than solar panels.
  • No operational costs The ThermoSol system does not have moving parts or pipes, which are a common cause of damage to solar panels.

With 1.5 kW of installed power, you can save up to 60% of the electricity used to heat water in a 3-5-member household.

The ThermoSol hot water system contains the following elements:

PV panels

They convert solar energy into direct current. Depending on the selected power, most often their number varies from 4 to 6 series-connected photovoltaic modules.

ThermoSol K2

Bulgarian controller for direct current power supply of a heating element. ThermoSol controls the temperature and time for heating the water.

Защо да изберете ThermoSol?

  • No loss of heat.
  • Installation is easier and cheaper.
  • There are no preconditions for leaks or overheating of the system.
  • Takes up less space. Thermosol has no pipes, pump or expansion vessel.
  • With higher efficiency during the winter season. The system continues to heat water, while solar collectors have almost minimal yields.
  • There is no need to replace the boiler – the system connects to your existing boiler with a heater.
  • It is even suitable for installation on a terrace or facade of a building.

How the system works ThermoSol?

  • The system is powered by photovoltaic modules with a total power of up to 1,5kW.
  • ThermoSol controls the temperature, time and way of heating the water.
  • The controller heats the boiler heater directly using the electricity generated by the solar panels.
  • Boiler power supply.
  1. Photovoltaic modules convert solar energy into direct current. Depending on the selected power, most often their number varies from 4 to 6 series-connected photovoltaic modules with a total power of up to 1,5 kW.
  2. ThermoSol К2 is a controller for direct current power supply of a heating element (boiler) it controls the temperature and time for heating the water.
  3. The ThermoSol controller is connected to the boiler directly to the electric heating element. Modules with a total power of up to 1.8 kW are most efficient with a 3 – 3.5 kW heater. The controller works with a standard боилер with a heater, the installation of the system does not require the purchase of a special water heater.
  4. The grid supply is needed to power the ThermoSol controller itself.

How big should the boiler be?

  • The ThermoSol system is designed for heating boilers with a capacity of up to 150 liters.