Call for a successful transition to renewables in the transportation sector

Call for a successful transition to renewables in the transportation sector A survey shows the high acceptance and demand for solar powered e-cars. Deepen the close connection between renewables and e-mobility Clear political signal and progressive and consistent approach by industry and the public Embed e-mobility in a flexible system of renewable energy  

The EBRD will finance well over 1 GW of new renewables capacity in 2017

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will finance well over 1 GW of new renewables capacity in 2017. In October, the EBRD is completing two important renewable projects with financing in Egypt for the largest solar site in Africa and in Serbia for the country’s largest wind farm. According to the organization, »other…

Solar sunglasses – the new trend

Solar glasses generate solar power Researchers from KIT present sunglasses with colored, semitransparent solar cells applied onto lenses that supply a microprocessor and two displays with electric power. The "smart" Solar Glasses designed as a case study by the scientist and his team at KIT, is self-powered to measure and display the solar illumination intensity…

Off-grid solar systems

The lack of a standard grid does not mean lack of electricity. Our offers for PV systems provide full access to electricity. They consist of photovoltaic modules, battery, charge controller and all necessary components for installation. Thus enables you to use commercially available 230 V AC loads and 12 V / 24 V DC loads, even…

Thermosol K2 – innovative bulgarian technology

Thermosol K2 – an alternative and lucrative way for heating water with the help of photovoltaics. ThermoSol K2 is bulgarian controller for independent direct current electrical power for heating element ( boiler ) direct from the photovoltaic modules. With the innovative Bulgarian controller ThermoSol K2, you save up to 70% from the energy consumption for heating…